Weekly check-in 2

Due by 11:59 PM on Monday, June 20, 2022

Answer these questions and submit your responses on iCollege.

I highly recommend writing your responses in a separate document and copying/pasting the text into iCollege. It will be far easier for you if you write the responses right after completing the readings and watching the videos instead of waiting until you get around to putting them in iCollege—you will forget your questions and insights if you don’t.

Session 3: Social interactions and economic outcomes

  1. What were the three (3) most interesting or exciting things you learned from the session? Why?
  2. What were the three (3) muddiest or unclear things from the session this week? What are you still wondering about?

Session 4: Fairness and efficiency

  1. What were the three (3) most interesting or exciting things you learned from the session? Why?
  2. What were the three (3) muddiest or unclear things from the session this week? What are you still wondering about?

Problem set 1 review

  • Did you review the problem set answer key and compare the answers with your work?
    • Yes, by myself
    • Yes, with others from the class
    • No
  • Which problem set question was the most difficult?
  • What questions do you still have?